About Us
Dean Miyamoto, CPA Inc. is a full-service accounting firm located in Honolulu, Hawaii. We can provide you with assistance in all your tax, financial,
and business affairs — assistance that will improve your total financial
You'll find that we can take much of the worry and stress out of your
financial life. We are ready to assist you in —
- keeping your taxes as low as the law allows
- building your personal wealth through sound tax and financial planning
- designing recordkeeping and accounting systems that help your business function
efficiently and profitably
- helping you solve your business problems
- preserving your estate for your intended heirs
Why Choose Us? Because we truly care about our clients. As our clients have come to know, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the ability to help our clients understand the big picture, yet are able to focus in on the most important issues when faced with making decisions.
We are not afraid to suggest what we believe is in our clients' best interest and overall welfare even when it may not be the easiest or most popular answer.
As their trusted advisor, our clients come to us year after year for sound and thoughtful guidance and solutions.
We want you to get the best financial and tax help possible. Explore our
website to discover the many ways we can serve you. If you have a question that
is not addressed here, please contact us by phone at (808) 973-9300.

Dean Miyamoto, CPA Inc.
1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1670  Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
(808) 973-9300  Fax:
(808) 973-9301
